Wednesday, November 5

La victoria de Obama - Obama's victory

Esta tarde me desperté con un gran orgullo en mi pías y le capacidad era cambiar. Actualmente la razonamiento de nuestro fundadores aun permanezco verdadero.

Anoche mire los resultados entre le noche. Las elecciones EE.UU
era un gran evento en España es. Los dos canales tuvieron cobertura directo en Madrid, Chicago, Phoenix, Washington y Nueva York. Puede a ver mis imágenes abajo la historia en TV Española.

This afternoon I woke up with great pride in my country and its ability to change. The reasoning of our founders still hold true today.

Last night I watched the results through the entire night. The US elections here in Spain are a big deal. Two channels had live coverage wiht reporters in Madird, Chicago, Phoenix, Washington and New York. You can the story below my poor images from Spanish.

"I never was the favored candidate for this role or this campaign"